Early Jewish History, Genesis 12—50 

Joseph Reunited ​With His Brothers

1. Joseph Tests His Brothers (Genesis 44:1-17, 30-34)​

2. Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers (Genesis 45:1-15)​

3. Jacob’s Family Saved and Restored (Genesis 45:16-28)

CENTRAL TRUTH: God desires for families and the family of God to be unified around his word.


     Today’s lesson picks up after Joseph is reunited with his brothers. While Genesis 41—43 record Joseph’s meteoric rise to power in Egypt and his meeting with his brothers, chapter 44 moves the narrative closer to the complete fulfillment of Joseph’s dreams in chapter 45. As we come to the end of the Joseph literature, it becomes clear Joseph’s rule over his family was directly linked to his rule over Egypt.  ​



A. Joseph’s Silver Cup (Genesis 44:1-5, 11-13)

B. Judah’s Desperate Plea (Genesis 44:14-17, 33-34)

  • Explain the irony in Judah’s recounting of his father’s statement concerning Joseph (44:28).

Godly Alteration​

     God never alters the robe of righteousness to fit the man. Rather, He alters the man to fit the robe.—John Hagee



A. “I Am Joseph” (Genesis 45:1-5, 33-34)​

B. “Bring My Father Here” (Genesis 45:9-15)

  • In verse 8, what three titles did Joseph use to describe himself, and why?

Hearts Restored​

     The Book of Malachi ends with a striking promise of restoration: “He will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers” (4:6 ESV). This restoration, however, could take place only through repentance and obedience. When we turn our hearts toward God, our fragmented family relationships can be restored.



A. Abundance for the Journey (Genesis 45:17-21, 24)​

B. Jacob’s Rejuvenation (Genesis 45:25-28)

  • How can the restoration of Jacob’s family give you hope in a difficult family situation? What step could you take to help bring healing?

God’s Gifts​

     God is the giver, and we are the receivers. And His richest gifts are bestowed not upon those who do the greatest things, but upon those who accept His abundance and His grace.—Hannah Whitall Smith


     The story of Joseph declares God’s purpose is not negated by human effort. God’s ways are hidden and mysterious throughout the narrative, but His ways are sovereign. Jacob’s sons sold their brother into slavery. However, God worked through the dark actions of the brothers to preserve the family, establish the family’s future, and accomplish His will.​

     Furthermore, the story demonstrates the necessity of viewing our deepest struggles in terms of God’s purpose. When Joseph recognized God had “sent” him to Egypt to save his family, he was able to relinquish any thoughts of revenge, anger, and bitterness he might have held toward his brothers.​

     Many Christian families today are troubled by hostile conflicts that cause deep divisions. May we be more like Joseph—inclined to offer grace, forgiveness, and love.

Adopted from the Evangelical Sunday School Lesson Commentary 2023-2024.

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