The Bible and Today’s Issues
Use Technology Wisely
1) God Gives Abilities to Create (Exodus 31:1-5; 2 Chronicles 26:9-10, 14-15)
2) When Abilities Are Used to Glorify Self (Genesis 11:1-9)
3) Do Everything for the Glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:1-13, 31)
Central Truth: Our actions must glorify God, not ourselves.
It is suggested we now use more “technology” (based on technique) in one day than our great-grandparents used in their entire lifetime. Of course, that depends on how you define the term. It will be utilized here in the broad sense of “the application of knowledge to accomplish a task.” This includes instruments and methods resulting from such.
Most everyone has a smartphone these days. The technology built into computers is superseded about every three years (or less) and requires substantial investments by Christians and ministries.
Technology is a tool. Like most tools, it can be used for wise purposes or for evil. Concerns about privacy and the use of information to disrupt or even control our lives and livelihood are legitimate. The debate over artificial intelligence (AI) is in full swing now.
God in His infinite wisdom did not give us a Bible that addresses every issue. Instead, He chose to provide principles that enable us to examine a fiercely changing world from a Biblical perspective, such as using technology wisely.
A. An Anointed Craftsman (Exodus 31:1-5)
B. A Gifted Builder/Inventor (2 Chronicles 26:9-10, 14-15)
Imitating God
In creating, we imitate God. . . . To be a creator is part of what it means to be a human being. I met a guy on death row in Arizona who had nothing. . . . So he would unravel his socks and weave little necklaces with crosses out of the threads. The first time I visited another death-row inmate, he gave me a picture frame he’d made out of gum-wrapper foils.
These men were locked in a small cell twenty-three out of twenty-four hours a day. They had absolutely nothing, and still they were reaching out to create something of beauty and worth.—Helen Prejean (Inklings, No. 3).
A. Boastful Building Plan (Genesis 11:1-4)
B. Confused and Scattered (Genesis 11:5-9)
God’s All-Seeing Eye
If the eye of man discerns things at a small distance, the eye of an eagle at a greater, and the eye of an angel at ten thousand times greater distance, shall not the eye of God see everything through the whole extent of creation?—John Wesley
A. Learn From Israel’s Failures (1 Corinthians 10:1-11)
B. Take Heed and Glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:12-13, 31)
Like a Hammer
Technology is the application of knowledge. Therefore, it should be viewed as a tool, much like a hammer. One can utilize a hammer and build a house, or one can wield a hammer to take a human life. In many cases, those with evil objectives have harvested the power of technology for selfish purposes or for cost-cutting measures, rather than improving the quality of life. It should not be so in the church for which Christ gave His life. Take a fresh look at your congregation and how you do things. What needs to change to utilize all “technology” for God’s glory and improving the effectiveness of the congregation’s ministry?
The passages examined in this lesson reveal the creativity of God, who shares that ability with us through the Spirit’s empowerment and presence. As noted in the introduction, technology finds its origin in technique. This is key to our application of methodologies and tools used in ministry. When we misuse what God has given us, there is a severe penalty to be paid. Therefore, we should utilize technology and the instruments God provides for His glory, and His glory alone.
Adopted from the Evangelical Sunday School Lesson Commentary 2023-2024.
St. Christopher's Episcopal Church
Youth House
1063 North Haverhill Road,
West Palm Beach, Florida 33417
(Located on the northwest corner of
Haverhill and Belvedere Roads)
Sundays @ 11am
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