The Bible and Today’s Issues

The Sanctity of Human Life

1. Humans Created in God’s Image (Genesis 1:26-28; 2:4-7, 18-22)​

2. Life Begins at Conception (Psalm 139:13-16; Jeremiah 1:5; Luke 1:39-44)​

3. God Gives and Sustains Life (Isaiah 42:5; Job 33:4; 34:10-15; Acts 17:24-28)

Central Truth: ​ Because humans are created by God in His image, all human life must be valued.


     Of all creation, only human beings were created in the image of God and brought to life through the breath of God (Gen. 1:26-27; 2:7). We are “fearfully and wonderfully made” by the Master Creator (Ps. 139:14). We alone can experience redemption. Human life, therefore, is sacred, holy, and should not be violated by anyone other than God. His image alone determines our value; not our gender, ethnicity, influence, financial status, social standing, physical attributes, or health. While only those in right standing with Him are His children spiritually, every person is the creation of God and must be treated as such, whether on the face of the earth or in the womb.​

    Four primary issues encompass the sanctity of human life: abortion, embryonic stem-cell research from aborted children, euthanasia, and the “right to die.” These should be kept in mind for applicable principles as this lesson is studied.


A. From the Dust (Genesis 1:26-28; 2:4-7)

B. From Adam’s Rib (Genesis 2:18-22)

  • How was the creation of man different from God’s other creative arts, and why?


A Different Kind of Woman​

    The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian makes me a different king of woman.―Elisabeth Elliott



A. Known in the Womb (Psalm 139:13-16; Jeremiah 1:5)

B. Responsive in the Womb (Luke 1:39-44)  

  • Describe God’s relationship with the unborn child. 

Lives Lost in the Womb​

    Every time my wife and I went to the doctor to see our baby on the ultrasound, I wept at the goodness of God and the miracle of life. You cannot convince me that God does not weep over lives lost in the womb and the shedding of the innocent blood of the unborn. The question is, Will you?―Brian Peterson  


A. The Source of Life (Isaiah 42:5; Job 33:4; 34:10-15)

B. The Sustainer of Life (Acts 17:24-28)  

Abortion Rejected​

    A young woman gave birth to a set of bedridden twins born with genetic abnormalities. She also had two young sons and took in a relative’s abandoned daughter. She then became pregnant with twins again. Her husband was “less than faithful” to the marriage and wanted out. He did not want the twins, period. Many would suggest abortion as a “reasonable” solution in this case. If my grandmother had listened, I could not have written this lesson. Every life is precious.―Keith Whitt


     Society wants the mother’s rights to be recognized, while God codifies in divine law the rights and intrinsic worth of the person in the womb. Humanity and, therefore, each person formed in the womb, is the magnum opus of God’s creative work. This means: we should view ourselves (even at our worst) the way God views us; and (2) every person in the womb or on the earth should be viewed with the same spirit and grace. We must preach the ideal without compromise, but we must also deal with people as and where they are. Abortion/murder is deplorable, but it is not unforgivable. God is still the God of second chances.

Adopted from the Evangelical Sunday School Lesson Commentary 2023-2024.

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