Early Jewish History, Genesis 12—50 

God Blesses Jacob

1. Jacob Wrestles With God (Genesis 32:21-32) 

2. Jacob Submits to God (Genesis 35:1-8) 

3. Abrahamic Covenant Reaffirmed (Genesis 35:9-15) 

Central Truth: God patiently draws sinners to repentance and submission. 


     Isaac’s blessing of Jacob showed Jacob was the heir to the covenantal promise God made to Abraham. However, because Jacob obtained the blessing through treachery, he was forced to flee his father’s home and journey to live with his uncle Laban in Haran.   

     During his first night as a fugitive, Jacob came to a deserted place and fell asleep. There, God appeared to him in a dream and gave him a promise for the future. God promised to bless Jacob with land, with innumerable descendants, and to bless “all the families of the earth” through him and his descendants (Gen. 28:13-14). 

     The similarities between the promises given to Abraham and Jacob established Jacob as the rightful heir of the covenant God made with Abraham. 


A. An Unexpected Encounter (Genesis 32:21-26) 

B. A New Identity (Genesis 32:27-31) 

  • Have you ever “wrestled” with God? If so, what was the outcome? 

The Face of God 

     Listen to the Savior. He will show you the face of God, the good Father.—Clement of Alexandria 


A. Jacob Returns to Bethel (Genesis 35:1-4) 

B. Jacob Builds an Altar (Genesis 35:5-8) 

  • Describe your personal “Bethel”—a place God ministered to you in a special way. 

Submit to God 

     Submission is not an easy task for human beings because we desire independence and control. We do not like others telling us what to do. Yet, in his epistle, James urged Christians to submit to God (4:7). Why? Because a life that is autonomous of God leads to sin and death. Adam and Eve learned this truth when they refused to submit to God’s commands. Their pursuit to be like God led to their banishment from Eden and separation from God’s presence. 


A. God Appears to Jacob (Genesis 35:9-12) 

B. Jacob Pours Out an Offering (Genesis 35:13-15) 

  • As Christians, what sort of offerings should we “pour out” to God today? 


Our Great God 

     God is the great reality. His resources are available and endless. His promises are real and glorious, beyond our wildest dreams.—J. B. Phillips 


     Submission challenges our innate need for independence and control. However, refusing to submit to God is a willful act of rebellion that will lead to separation from His blessings. Submission, therefore, requires us to be utterly obedient to God. 

     Jesus’ life on earth was the perfect expression of submission to the Father’s will. Although He was God in human flesh, Jesus “humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross” (Phil. 2:8 ESV). Because He submitted to the will of the Father, God has “highly exalted him” and has given Him a name that is higher and more excellent than any other name (v. 9). Therefore, “at the name of Jesus every knee should bow . . . and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord” (vv. 10-11 ESV). Today, as followers of Christ, we must joyfully submit our lives to the will of God.

Adopted from the Evangelical Sunday School Lesson Commentary 2023-2024.

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