Early Jewish History, Genesis 12—50   

Isaac Blesses Jacob 

1.  Plot to Deceive Isaac (Genesis 27:1-13) 

2.  Isaac Deceived; Jacob Blessed (Genesis 27:14-29) 

3.  A Deceiver Revealed (Genesis 27:30-46) 

Central Truth: God’s plan for humanity will be fully realized despite the sinfulness of people. 


     Chapter 27 progresses the story of Esau and Jacob, which began in 25:19-34. There, we learn of their conflict that began in the womb, their distinctive physical appearance and character, the reasons for their names, Isaac’s and Rebekah’s feelings for each son, and how Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of soup. Most significantly, we learn God promised to fulfill the covenant He made with Abraham and Isaac through Jacob, not Esau. 


      In the ancient culture of Israel, certain privileges and rights were naturally granted to the firstborn son. However, God announced before the twins’ birth that Esau, the firstborn son, would serve his younger brother (v. 23). Chapter 27 shows how God’s promise concerning Jacob was fulfilled through deception. 

A.  Isaac Plans to Bless Esau (Genesis 27:1-5) 

  • What does this passage reveal about the relationship between Isaac and Rebekah? What can we learn from this? 

B.  Rebekah Plots to Deceive Isaac (Genesis 27:6-13)


Despise Deception 

     Saints not only desire to love and speak truth with their lips, but they seek to be true within; they will not lie even in the closet of their hearts, for God is there to listen; they scorn double meanings, evasions, equivocations, white lies, flatteries, and deceptions.―Charles Spurgeon



A.  Isaac Deceived (Genesis 27:14-28, 23-24) 

  • How was Jacob able to deceive his father? How did his actions break the third, firth, eighth, and tenth of the Ten Commandments? 

B.  Jacob Blessed (Genesis 27:25-29) 

Crippling Lies 

     A willful falsehood told is . . . not able to stand by itself without another to support it. It is easy to tell a lie, but hard to tell only one lie.―Thomas Fuller 

A.  The Stolen Blessing (Genesis 27:30-33, ) 

B.  A Lesser Blessing (Genesis 27:38-43) 

  • In verses 45 and 46, what two hopes did Rachel express concerning Jacob? Would these hopes be realized? 

Is It Well With Your Family? 

     What are your answers to the three questions the prophet asked the Shunammite woman? “Is it well with you? Is it well with your husband [or wife]? Is it well with the child?” (2 Kings 4:26).―Warren Wiersbe 


     Rather than wait on God to accomplish His promises to Jacob and Esau, Rebekah and Jacob colluded to achieve 

God’s purposes in their own way. Rebekah and Jacob’s failure to wait on God mirrored Sarah and Abraham’s impatient attitude toward God’s promises for them. Consequently, both Rebekah and Jacob suffered greatly. 

     Rebekah lost her son, for she would never see him again. Jacob was forced to leave his father’s home and comfort; his relationship with his brother was destroyed; and he would not enjoy the benefits of the blessing any time soon. When he left his father’s home, he did not leave with wealth or property; and in Haran, he was certainly no ruler of nations (27:29). Rather, Jacob lived in servitude to his uncle Laban for twenty years. Indeed, God will fulfill His purposes despite our sinful behavior, but our selfish actions can create bitter conflict and cause others to suffer. 

Adopted from the Evangelical Sunday School Lesson Commentary 2023-2024.

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